Crooked Teeth Indianapolis, IN

Do you have crooked or misaligned teeth? Do you want a straighter smile?

There are many treatment options to improve the appearance of crooked teeth. Our dentist in Indianapolis, IN and our dental care team address crooked teeth in Indianapolis, IN. We want to make sure that patients are receiving prompt treatment because many other dental problems can occur due to tooth misalignment.

Tooth decay or gum infection are common problems in severe cases of misalignment or overcrowding. It can be difficult to clean in the spaces between crooked teeth. Plaque and tartar may begin to build up between teeth as a result. However, there are treatments that can straighten teeth or improve their appearance. Teeth misalignment is one of the dental concerns we treat at North Meridian Dental Excellence.

crooked teeth treatment in Indianapolis, Indiana

Treating Crooked Teeth

Multiple cosmetic and restorative options can be used to address crooked teeth.


This treatment option utilizes clear aligners that are changed out every couple of weeks to straighten teeth over time. These aligners can be removed for eating and brushing teeth.

Invisalign tends to be more comfortable than traditional metal braces because they don’t irritate gums. Aligners also work faster than traditional options and offer a treatment time of 6 to 18 months.

Porcelain Veneers

Crafted from ultra-thin, high-quality porcelain ceramic, dental veneers are color-matched to natural teeth and can blend in perfectly with your smile. This can be a great aesthetic treatment for crooked teeth that is also long-lasting.

Tooth Bonding

A more economical alternative to porcelain veneers, tooth bonding uses composite resin material to change the size and shape of teeth. The bonding material also blends in with teeth for a natural look. Tooth bonding is less permanent than porcelain veneers and can be a great option for patients who may not want to commit to veneers.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns cover teeth like a cap to offer a brighter and aligned look. This restoration also helps stabilize and strengthen teeth for a sturdy end result. Often used to cover dental implants or damaged teeth, dental crowns also change the look of misaligned teeth.

Crooked Teeth FAQs

Can crooked teeth cause problems?

Crooked teeth can cause problems for patients’ confidence, and functionality of their bite. They may also cause gum disease, bad breath, headaches, teeth shifting, and worsen TMJ disorder symptoms.

Do crooked teeth get worse?

Yes, crooked teeth may shift and become more crooked over time. This is because as we age our bone density lowers, giving our teeth less support from our jaw structure. Teeth may be more prone to shift as this happens.

Is it too late to straighten my teeth?

It is never too late to straighten your teeth. People of all ages have the opportunity to correct their smile. Teeth tend to shift faster and easier in teenage years, but your crooked bite can be corrected at any age.

Is it necessary to correct crooked teeth?

People of all ages suffer from crooked teeth, from young children, teenagers, and adults. Unless they’re creating health difficulties or low self-esteem, they don’t need to be treated. The choice to get your teeth straightened is entirely up to you. If you are interested in straightening your teeth, call our office to schedule a consultation!

Do crooked teeth affect face shape?

The form and symmetry of your face can be affected by a variety of factors, including underbite, overbite, crooked teeth, and misaligned jaws. When teeth are missing, a person’s face is shortened and the jawline is weakened. As your teeth shift into alignment, your facial symmetry will as well.

Can crooked teeth cause headaches?

Crooked teeth can cause headaches and migraines. Misaligned teeth may cause excess pressure in the jaw which may cause tension headaches.

How long does it take to straighten crooked teeth?

It may take anywhere from 8-12 months to straighten crooked teeth. The amount of time it takes is dependent on the severity of your misalignment. On average it takes about 12 months to fully correct crooked teeth.

What is the maximum age for braces?

Braces can be worn by anyone of any age. Many adults receive orthodontic treatment to rectify orthodontic issues including misaligned or missing teeth, as well as to improve their overall dental health.

Schedule a Dental Exam Today

Straighten your crooked teeth today with one of our unique treatment options. You can call our office at 317.204.7134 or schedule an appointment online.